Water Baptism
What is baptism?
Use this section to briefly describe what baptism is and why it’s important.
Baptism is simply when you dunk someone in water as a signpost or reminder that they have been united with Jesus. It represents a big inward fact using an outward visual aid: that as a Christian, you are in Christ. "In Christ" means more than just that you like Jesus a lot, or are trying your best to follow him – it means that everything which applies to Jesus applies to you. He was killed on the cross – your sin died with him. He rose from the dead – you will too. It's guaranteed, check out Romans 6:4 (NIV):
We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
Jesus Himself gave us the example of baptism. In Matthew 3:13-17, before he began his public ministry, he was baptized by John the Baptist. And in Acts 8, the story of Philip and the Ethiopian gives us the process of baptizing someone.
If you have recently made the commitment to follow Jesus, the next step is Water Baptism. Or, even if it wasn't recently, but you've never been dunked, then it's time to be baptized. And if you were baptized before, but a lot of things have happened since then and you have made a re-commitment to Jesus, it's OK to be baptized again.
To be a part of our next Water Baptism, click the sign-up button to sign-up. Our office will be in contact with you soon.